Monsieur le Président,
Le parti politique ISHEMA a suivi avec attention vos démarches de normalisation des relations entre la France et le Rwanda. Les relations franco-rwandaises ont connu des moments forts, et la France s’est portée garante des accords de paix signés à Arusha, Tanzanie, entre le gouvernement rwandais de l’époque et les rebelles du Front Patriotique Rwandais (FPR). Ces accords censés apporter une solution durable au problème de réfugiés et mettre fin à la guerre lancée en octobre 1990 ont finalement été violés, plongeant le pays dans une tragédie sans précédent.
Tout en saluant cette volonté de normaliser les relations des deux pays après plus de deux décennies en brouille, notre parti considère que cette normalisation recherchée ne devrait pas se faire à n’importe quel prix.
En effet, le Rwanda reste champion de non-respect et de violation des droits fondamentaux des citoyens. Sans répéter le contenu des rapports des Organisations Non Gouvernementales internationales et des pays partenaires du Rwanda à l’instar des États-Unis d’Amérique, le régime de Kigali qui habituellement traitent les Hutus de citoyens de seconde classe, s’attaque finalement aux Tutsis qui se plaignent de cette injustice faite à l’encontre de leurs compatriotes Hutus. Le cas de Kizito Mihigo, le chantre assassiné dans sa cellule de garde à vue à Kigali est toujours d’actualité. Monsieur Karasira Aimable a été arrêté immédiatement après votre retour de Kigali comme si vous veniez de bénir en aval, cet acte de lâcheté.
Dans votre discours au mémorial de Gisozi, vous avez affirmé que votre pays “la France a des responsabilités mais pas complice”. De quelle responsabilité et de quelle complicité s’agit-il? S’il s’agit de celle d’occulter la vérité sur les planificateurs de l’hécatombe rwandaise, le temps est venu pour que votre état, la France, accepte de laisser la vérité triompher. Les détracteurs et ennemis communs aux Rwandais et aux Français ont cherché à salir l’image de l’opération Turquoise et, au nom de la grandeur de votre pays, il vous revient de résister fortement à ces diffamations, rendre hommage aux troupes du Général Jean-Claude Lafourcade, en décrétant, à minima, un évènement annuel en leur honneur.
La normalisation des relations entre les deux pays, à notre avis, ne se traduit pas par la réouverture du centre culturel français et de l’ambassade à Kigali, mais plutôt par l’effort de pacification, de réconciliation profonde entre les Rwandais, quitte à assumer le rôle d’un garant des accords entre les belligérants. Cela est possible seulement si toute la vérité est exposée et si on cesse de voir les Rwandais dans le miroir victimes-bourreaux. Ici, la vérité sur ce qui est bien connu comme élément déclencheur de la tragédie au Rwanda de 1994 a une importance capitale. C’est ici que la France doit assumer sa responsabilité et inviter les autres pays à faire de même pour que cette vérité qu’on s’efforce d’ignorer soit reconnue et soit à la base d’un dialogue franc et sincère entre les Rwandais.
Monsieur le Président,
Lors de votre conférence de presse à Kigali, vous avez aussi affirmé n’être au courant que d’un seul génocide. Que vous ne soyez pas informé du génocide contre les Hutus qui a débuté avec la guerre d’octobre 1990 et qui continue à nos jours, nous osons espérer que vous ne vous livrez pas à la bataille du négationnisme dont les conséquences vous poursuivront à jamais. Votre coopération pour que justice soit faite pour les victimes des crimes commis par le FPR vous ferait entrer dans l’histoire comme l’homme qui a milité pour la dignité humaine.
A cette lettre, nous annexons une liste non-exhaustive des criminels suspects tout en saluant votre action aux côtés des victimes.
Note : ISHEMA PARTY est une organisation politique lancée le 28 janvier 2013 à Paris, France ; par des jeunes militants patriotes et universitaires rwandais en exil. ISHEMA signifie la fierté des Rwandais. La vision définie par les fondateurs est « la promotion de la démocratie à travers les valeurs de vérité, intrépidité et justice sociale ». Dès le début, nous proposons un changement politique par la non-violence et des moyens pacifiques, le dialogue et le consensus qui profite à tous les citoyens sans aucune forme de discrimination. Tout en partageant notre évaluation de la situation socio-politique au Rwanda, nous recherchons le soutien de la communauté internationale pour un changement de régime afin de construire des institutions démocratiques qui assureront la paix et le développement durable.
Fait à Montréal, le 08 juin 2021.
Nadine Claire Kasinge
Présidente, Ishema Party
Annex 1: A non-exhaustive list of persons that should be subject to targeted sanctions.
N° | Names | Occupation and observations |
1. | Paul KAGAME | Politician, president of Rwanda, former rebel leader and army general, cited in many reports on genocide, the downing down of the presidential plane that sparked genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, cases of human rights violations, financing rebel groups, extrajudicial killings, and torture. Has assets in Europe, USA, Canada, UK, Ethiopia, Greece, South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, Emirates. |
2. | Jeannette KAGAME | First lady, accused of financing hatred associations; co-manages ill-acquired assets of the president; cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Europe, USA, Canada and UK. |
3. | Ange KAGAME NDENGEYINGOMA | First daughter, manage father’s bank accounts and assets, married to NDENGEYINGOMBA Billy cited in Panama Papers for public funds embezzlement, possesses assets in USA, Belgium and UK. Accused of heading a secret network that coordinates transnational repression and human rights violations |
4. | Ivan CYOMORO KAGAME | Rwanda Development Board commissioner, businessman, possesses assets and businesses in USA. Accused of financing illegal exploitation of DRC natural resources, timber and gold, money laundering, and financing transnational repression. Has ill-acquired assets in the USA. |
5. | James KABAREBE | Army General, Presidential advisor on security matters; former army chief of staff and minister of defense in Rwanda, former chief of staff in DR Congo, rebel group leader; cited in genocide numerous reports and international arrest warrants for genocide, financing rebel groups, human rights violations and the downing down of the presidential plane that sparked genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Has ill-acquired assets and business in Europe, USA and Canada managed by his family through SANDE KABAREBE, the elder son. Accused of financing illegal exploitation of DRC natural resources, timber and gold, money laundering, and financing transnational repression. |
6. | Sande KABAREBE | Businessman, cited in many investigations as financier of rebel groups, illegal exploitation of RDC minerals, implicated in human rights violations. Manages family ill-acquired assets in Canada and USA. |
7. | Dan MUNYUZA | Army General, Inspector General of Police, former Head of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI), rebel leader, accused of genocide, many cases of human rights violations, enforced disappearances, torture. Has assets and business in Europe, USA and Canada |
8. | Bertrand NDENGEYINGOMA | Businessman, implicated in public funds malversation, and financing terrorism and extrajudicial killings, implicated in illegal exploitation of DRC natural resources, timber and minerals, cited in Panama Papers as Kagame’s assets and finance manager. |
9. | Hatari SEKOKO | Businessman, implicated in public funds malversation, financing terrorism and extrajudicial killings, implicated in illegal exploitation of DRC natural resources, timber and minerals, cited in Panama Papers as Kagame’s assets and finance manager. |
10. | Jeannot RUHUNGA | Army Colonel, Secretary General of Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), former rebel, cited as executer of orders in human rights violations, illegal imprisonment, torture, and extrajudicial killings. Has assets in USA and UK. |
11. | Theos BADEGE | Police Officer, working at Interpol (France), former police spokesperson, cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Europe and UK. |
12. | Marie-Michelle UMUHOZA | Police officer, former RIB’s spokesperson. Cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Canada and USA. |
13. | Inès MPAMBARA | Politician, Minister in Prime Minister’s office, former director of president office; cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Canada and USA. |
14. | Tito RUTAREMARA | Politician, high cadre and ideologist of the RPF; former rebel leader, cited in cases of human rights violations, genocide, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Europe, Canada and USA. |
15. | François NGARAMBE | Politician, Secretary General of RPF; former rebel, and former minister in government. Cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Burundi, Canada, Europe and USA. |
16. | Johnston BUSINGYE | Politician, minister of justice and attorney General, former rebel, cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. Has assets in Canada and USA managed by his brother Denis KARERA cited in Panama Papers. |
17. | Denis KARERA | Businessman, former army officer. Manages Johnston BUSINGYE’s assets, cited in cases of human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, and torture especially in Bannyahe expropriation scandal. Cited in Panama Papers for possession of numerous assets and finances in tax havens. |
18. | Ruki KARUSISI | Army Brigadier General, special operations commander, former rebel, cited in genocide, human rights violations, enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial killings. Has assets in Kenya, Tanzania, and USA. |
19. | Fred IBINGIRA | Army General, reserve forces commander; former rebel; cited in genocide numerous reports and international arrest warrants for genocide, human rights violations and the downing down of the presidential plane that sparked genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Cited in assassination of clergymen in Gakurazo, and Kibeho Hutu genocide. Has assets in Uganda, Kenya and USA. |
20. | Edouard BAMPORIKI | Politician, Minister of State in Ministry of Youth and Culture, former Member of parliament and Secretary General of Itorero. Cited in human rights violations and torture, enforced disappearances and implications in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. |
21. | INGABIRE Immaculée | Politician, activist, former rebel. Accomplice in covering up crimes of human rights violations, corruption, enforced disappearance and torture and extrajudicial killings. Has assets in Europe and USA. |
22. | Tom NDAHIRO | Propagandist and ideologist, implicated in numerous cases of human rights violations, character assassination, hatred speech, genocide denial, persecution of genocide survivors, implicated in Kizito Mihigo’s assassination. |
23. | Jean Bosco KAZURA | Army General, Army Chief of Staff, former rebel, cited in genocide numerous reports and international arrest warrants for genocide, financing rebel groups, human rights violations and the downing down of the presidential plane that sparked genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Implicated in enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial killings. |
24. | Anastase SHYAKA | Politician, minister of local Government; cited in human rights violations and torture, enforced disappearances, illegal detentions, and implications in Kizito MIHIGO’s assassination. |
25. | Mubarak MUGANGA | Army General, former rebel, cited in genocide, human rights violations, implicated in enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial killings, financing rebel groups in DRCongo. |
26. | Vincent KAREGA | Politician and diplomat, Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, cited in genocide denial, human rights violations, implicated in enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial killings, financing rebel groups in DRC, and in Patrick KAREGEYA’s assassination. Has assets in Europe and Canada. |
27. | Donatilla MUKABALISA | Politician, Speaker of parliament. Accomplice of serious human rights violations, state crimes, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture. Has assets in Europe, Canada and USA |
28. | Jean-Pierre DUSINGIZEMUNGU | Politician, senator of State, former Secretary General of IBUKA. Implicated transnational repression, genocide denial, accomplice of serious human rights violations, state crimes, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture. |
29. | Louise MUSHIKIWABO | Politician and diplomat, Secretary General of Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), former minister of foreign affairs. Accomplice of serious human rights violations, state crimes, extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and torture. Has assets in Europe, Canada, UK and USA. |
30. | Willy RWAGASANA | Army General, Commander of Republican Guards, former rebel group leader; accused of genocide, financing rebel groups, human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, torture. Has assets in UK and USA. |
31. | Patrick NYAMVUMBA | Army General, former chief of Staff, former rebel leader, cited in numerous reports and international arrest warrants for genocide, financing rebel groups, human rights violations and the downing down of the presidential plane that sparked genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Has assets and business in Europe, and UK. |
32. | Dodo TWAHIRWA | Army Colonel, former rebel leader, accused of public funds mismanagement, financing terrorism, grave human rights violations, extrajudicial killings, torture, as well as illegal expropriation. |
33. | Jean Damascène BIZIMANA | Politician, Secretary General of Commission to fight genocide. Accused of complicity in enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings and torture, genocide denial, persecution of genocide survivors, mismanagement of memorial sites, financing transnational repression. |